When do we pray? When we are in need. What does this present generation need? Faith. So it is right that the Pope has announced the year of faith in the right time. It is another occasion that the church has witnessed to act according to the signs of the time. Catholic Church is one of the biggest and ancient churches in the world. It has got more members in the world. But what happens in reality? The church is empty in almost throughout Europe. It is because Catholics are Catholics only during their baptism and funeral. So it is right and just that the Catholic Church is in search of faith which is the essential for the mission.
It is an opportunity for the Catholics to grow in faith which is the basis of the Christina life. One cannot deny that the Catholics do not have faith but it has to be strengthened. The year of faith is meant to deepen the faith and also to receive blessings from God the father. The Catholic Church may use this year of faith to demonstrate the life of faith and attract the whole world to embrace the catholic faith. The best teacher is one who inspires. So the catholic must live the faith through which others will be inspired.
One must have faith to proclamation it to others. Only when the faith is strong, the mission will be strong enough to be achieved. It is not the theory that makes us strong but it is the experience that forms us and motivates us in the mission. St. Paul was very strong and committed in his mission, it is because of the faith experience that he had on the way to Damascus. It is right time for lost sheep who has gone long way from the Catholic Church to come back. It is duty of the church to bring back the lost sheep through this year of faith. It is a right way to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Vatican council II.