Monday, 12 December 2011

A New Catholic TV Launch in North India

Prarthana Bhawan, a new catholic TV channel has been launched in Jhalandar in North for full news Many people in North India are not educated. They do not have proper schools for the education. The Hindu fanatists become politicians and sow the hindu fanaticisam in their young age through the lessons. They are ruined and they are misled by the fanatists politicians. The fanatists know that the education will make the people aware and will be enkindled to act against them. So they make people to watch television. . The Christian missionaries are trying to educate them, but failed at times because of this television. The few school going children are also attracted by the television and they avoid going to school. They spend their day in front of the television. Elderly people every day they watch television at home. They do not go for work and be idle at home watching television. The films are ruining them. They became a slave to the television. 

India is a vast country and it is mostly dominated by Hinduism. The majority of the country is Hindus. The ordinary people do not know about the Hinduism and Hindu gods they are simple people. Many innocent people are being by the Hindu fanatists. If people become educated and intelligent and they become capable of deciding what is good and bad. The knowledge of them makes them realize their slavery to the landlords and Gundas. They use television as their instrument to immerse the people in the virtual world. So that they may not fight against them.

Someone must take the responsibility to tell them to use the television for the useful purpose. So it is best medium for the turning the people around. It is a means for evangelization. Now the television is itself an instrument to educate and tell them what is right and what is wrong it is a good initiative from the part of the Indian Catholic Church.

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